Saturday, June 6, 2015

Blog Post #5 Personal Learning Networks

What is a personal learning network (PLN)? According to a PLN is "is a reciprocal network that you create to learn from, connect with, gather information or resources, create with and finally share what you have learned.  A PLN can occur in your school, face-to-face, online, at conferences or through reading, reflecting and sharing." I think in Layman's Terms it is a place where you can go and bookmark certain sites and help organize your web viewing experience. It is a really cool idea that is sure to benefit any teacher or student wanting to use it.

 I popular tool many people use for this purpose is Symbaloo. This is an invaluable tool for teachers because of the many features it has to offer. The Symbaloo has an education tab for teachers that has lots of cool things.  It has an sharing tool that allows you to share your web bookmarks and resources with your class. It has creates a PLN catered to your teaching style. This tool even has a feature that helps you tailor personal lesson plans for your classroom. The benefits something like this can have on your productivity is immense. It helps your students stay connected with same information you as a teacher use. This in turns helps you filter and make sure the students are getting the very best information that is available to them.


  1. "This is an invaluable tool for teachers..." You used the word invaluable here. You should use valuable instead.

    Great post!

  2. I thought invaluable was a fancy way of saying very important. I will go check myself to make sure. Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Hey Robert, I finally get to comment on your blog! I really enjoyed watching your videos too. Anyway for blog post #5, You are right Symbaloo seems like a really neat tool to use in the classroom, where we can reach our goal to help our students get the best information possible. I don't want to have to critique you, but maybe your first sentence under the picture needs to begin with A instead of I. And the sentence stating "It has an sharing tool" should say "a sharing tool"
    Just some thoughts! Hope all is going well in your classes:) Amber

  4. I think PLNs are valuable resources for teachers also. With PLNs teachers are able to connect with other teachers and get useful information from them.
