Summary: In Kathleen Morris's post Blogging and Literacy Curriculum she covers how important using an educational blog for her classroom his been. She has been classroom blogging for six years and it sounds like she loves every minute of it. She uses a method similar to our EDM 310 class where she assigns certain students to comment on another students blog. She says it is also important to keep a steady rotation so that a student comments on a different blog each time.
Comment:I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I love this post. I am glad blogging has been working very well for you. I really enjoy writing on my own blog. I look forward to incorporate this into my classroom.
Summary: In Kathleen Morris's post The Benefits of Educational blogging she once again tells how important blogging is to a classroom. This post I found particularly interesting because she list some of the ways blogging helps the students with their learning. One for example is cyber safety and she goes into detail about how managing a blog helps the students become better online practitioners. Perhaps the most important is the sense of community that online blogging creates. She says a fun way to do this is by creating a class blog mascot. There are so many different ways we can use blogs in our classrooms and Morris has given me many ideas as to how to implement it into my future classroom.
Comment: Another great post! I love that the blogging has helped your classroom gain a sense of community. My favorite idea out of this is the use of the class blog mascot. That seems to be a really cute and fun way to get the kids excited to post on their blog.
Thoughtful. Interesting. I hope you too will be a blogging teacher!